Presidents Message: Spring 2023
Dear Members, Sponsors, and Colleagues,
As I enter my first year as President of the California Association of School Transportation Officials, the Executive Board and I are very excited to lead this association onward and upward. The constitution & by-laws speak to the primary purpose of this Association to promote traffic safety through education and training in the pupil transportation field. It is important to remind ourselves why we are here and what we should be doing. In 1994 the Association’s Executive Board developed a Strategic Plan to address issues facing the association during that time. I’d like to share with you what the plan was as I feel it is still relevant to the association today.
CASTO Mission Statement The mission of CASTO is to provide leadership and education opportunities to the passenger transportation community that results in the safest, most cost-effective transportation through professional development, public awareness, and legislative and regulatory advocacy.
CASTO Beliefs
Excellence is enhanced by team effort.
Higher expectations promote higher results.
Education is a learning process that provides opportunities for achievement.
All individuals have value.
Uncompromised honesty, integrity, and trust strengthen the association.
Open communication and individual access are keys to the association.
A safe environment contributes to the health and well-being of all individuals.
CASTO Parameters
We will not limit participation or representation of our members.
We will work in partnership to achieve the safest passenger transportation possible.
We will not accept anything less than excellence in performance.
CASTO Objectives
CASTO will be the organization of choice in leadership and training programs in the passenger transportation community.
CASTO will be the leader in passenger transportation legislation and regulatory affairs.
CASTO will develop strategies to achieve zero injuries in the passenger transportation community.
CASTO Strategies
CASTO will develop a plan that will assist and strengthen the structure and effectiveness of the chapters.
CASTO will develop and implement a recruitment plan that is directed at increasing a sustaining active membership in all categories.
CASTO will provide quality professional development certification and training programs through coordinated and cooperative efforts based upon the assessed needs of the passenger transportation community.
CASTO will develop a public awareness and marketing program to educate the passenger transportation community and the general public.
CASTO will seek active partnerships in areas of mutual interest with other organizations and the public to coordinate our collective interests.
CASTO will coordinate our efforts to aggressively pursue legislation and regulations that support fully funded, safe, and cost-effective passenger transportation services.
CASTO will continue to develop and implement recruitment plans which will increase membership in all categories.
CASTO will continue to develop a public awareness and marketing program to educate the passenger transportation community and the general public.
CASTO will continue to coordinate efforts to aggressively pursue legislation and regulations that support fully funded and safe passenger transportation services.
I will use this strategic plan to help guide the association as it highlights why I originally became a CASTO member. However, I can not do this alone. I need your help, please make a pledge to attend your local CASTO Chapter meetings and workshops, serve on your local boards and committees, and always promote and practice the safe transportation of pupils. Together we can take this association to greater heights. Remember, CASTO is a volunteer lead and run association that takes many hands to achieve these goals. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or needs that may arise. I am here for you!
Mike Sawyer | President California Association of School Transportation Officials (CASTO)